Google Street View Under Investigation By FCC Over Privacy

Google can't seem to shake off the controversy surrounding Google Street View; the company is now being investigated by the Federal Communications Commission over whether its street-mapping product has violated Federal privacy laws.

In May, Google admitted that its Street View vehicles had collected data from Wi-Fi networks without permission. The result was a firestorm of investigations from Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, South Korea and even the U.S.

While some of those investigations are ongoing, the Federal Trade Commission investigation into Google's data collection policies closed last month. That didn't prevent the FCC from launching an investigation of its own though.

According to The Wall Street Journal, the investigation has been going on for a while, but the FCC only confirmed its existence today.

While this investigation could end up being closed too, it's yet another headache for Google and its controversial street-mapping service. Whether the company will actually face charges is another question entirely.