Citing security concerns and not religious ones, the Shiv Sena has called for a ban on the burqa in Maharashtra. The Sena, still embroiled in a controversy over forcing the withdrawal of a Rohinton Mistry novel from Mumbai University's syllabus, said the theft of an infant on October 15, allegedly by a burqa-clad woman, was proof that the veil could be misused.
Representatives of the Muslim community slammed the Sena's demand, with both clerics and moderate secularists saying it only betrayed the party's deep-rooted bias against Islam and Muslims. They added that any anti-burqa campaign by parties like the Sena would only hamper real reforms in the community.
On Friday, a two-month-old baby was stolen from the BMC-run V N Desai hospital in Santa Cruz and through CCTV footage and statements from the baby's family the police have zeroed in on a burqa-clad woman as the possible perpetrator.
An editorial in the Sena's mouthpiece, Saamna, on Tuesday said the theft shows that the burqa is being grossly misused and the government should put a statutory ban on it. The editorial urged home minister R R Patil to formulate a law banning the burqa.
Saamna argued that acts like stealing a newborn with the help of a burqa run against the tenets of Islam. ``Does Islam endorse such acts? Muslim organizations and leaders should now start a campaign against the burqa.''
However, reformist Islamic scholar Asghar Ali Engineer said that if a burqa-clad thief steals a baby from a hospital it is a crime, and a crime like that cannot be stopped by banning burqas. ``Deal with the theft. Don't demand something that is not practical and can only communalize the atmosphere. If reforms need to be brought into a community, they should come from within,'' said Engineer.
Others called the demand anti-Muslim. ``We are not surprised at all. You cannot expect a better suggestion from a party that has internalized hatred against Muslims. Muslims don't need a lecture from a party that has made anti-Muslim fulminations part of its credo,'' said Maulana Mustaqeem Azmi, president, Jamiatul Ulema Hind (Maharashtra).
The Sena morninger also alleged that the burqa had been often misused in the Nagpada, Pydhonie and Bhendi Bazaar areas during elections. ``It becomes difficult for the police to check if a voter wearing a burqa is a man or a woman. This leads to rampant bogus voting. Hence, a ban on the burqa is necessary,'' Saamna stated. While arguing that the burqa symbolises the slavery of Muslim woman, Saamna said government schemes on which crores are spent to empower and educate Muslim women mean nothing because of the archaic burqa system.
But Uzma Naheed, of Iqra Foundation, said that while the Quran didn't mandate that a woman wear a veil over her face, the burqa was part of Muslim culture. ``It is debatable whether Muslim women should cover their faces or not, but you cannot force them not to wear burqas,'' said Naheed who wears a hijab (scarf without a veil).
Interestingly, the Sena advised Muslims to follow Mustafa Kemal Pasha, Turkey's reformist leader who promoted European dresses for both men and women in the early 20th century.
Some Muslims felt the Sena had to kick up a controversy as its campaign against Mistry's `Such A Long Journey' had evoked sharp criticism from the intelligentsia. ``If you recall the Shiv Sena's last few campaigns, then the demand for a ban on the burqa absolutely fits its agenda,'' said Urdu columnist Hasan Kamal. ``The Sena protested Rahul Gandhi's visit to Mumbai, but Rahul punctured its ego by freely moving in local trains. Then it opposed Shah Rukh's `My Name is Khan'. The protest fizzled out as the film got released and became a hit. The protest against Mistry's book has angered the educated elite. The Sena needs something new. It has got it. Muslims should ignore it.''