Senior BJP leader LK Advani believes that Ayodhya case will go to the Supreme Court irrespective of in whose favour the verdict is. "My estimate is that the case will reach Supreme Court irrespective of in whomsoever's favour the court judgement is," Advani, who is in Ahmedabad on a day's visit,
told reporters.
"I have told my party MPs in the parliamentary party meeting that I would request you not to speculate. We will take a decision on what would be the reaction once the court verdict is out," he said days ahead of the much-awaited verdict in the decades-old dispute.
Advani had taken out a rathyatra from Somnath in Gujarat to Ayodhya in 1990, which not only brought the focus of national politics on the Ramjanmabhoomi issue, but also helped BJP gain its status as a powerful political entity.
The Allahabad High Court is expected to pronounce its judgement in the Ayodhya title suit on September 24.
Expecting trouble, the central government has appealed to all the parties to maintain peace after the verdict.