Why Twitter is better than Facebook.

1. You get to talk to everyone 
With Twitter, one can interact with almost everyone, from friends in school and co-workers to NBA players and celebrities.

2. You don’t have to waste time dealing with quiz invites and unexpected pokes and tags

Twitter’s 140 character message limit was patterned after SMS length for mobile phones. Therefore, messages are intended to be concise, brief and free from anything that’s not important. Just like those unwanted mafia or farm friend requests ubiquitous to Facebook.

3. You get quick responses from everyone
Because it is possible to send a message to almost anybody, it is also possible to get replies from anybody. Facebook simply restricts a member within the confines of his network and privacy settings. With Facebook, you often can only rely on a limited number of people for feedback.

4. It delivers news the fastest
Twitter has been remarkable in spreading the news. From New York plane crash to 2008 Mumbai attacks, Twitter carried the news faster than any other medium. In comparison, Facebook is often used as a sharing platform for news to be spread out