10 things you didn't know about outer space

  1. There is more than 100 billion galaxies in the universe.
  2. The Moon is drifting away from the Earth.
  3. Saturn, the second largest planet is the lightest planet in the solar system and it could float on water!
  4. Most asteroids lie between Jupiter and Mars.
  5. By the most accurate definition, there are 14 known black holes.
  6. It is a myth that The Great Wall Of China is the only man made structure that can be seen from outer space! This is true. In fact, it is less visible compared to other airports, dams, pyramids and highways.
  7. The darkest space, with absolutely nothing around has a temperature of about 2.7 Kelvin.
  8. In a vacuum, like outer space, two clean, flat surfaces of similar metals will instantaneously adhere by simply touching them together.
  9. Astronauts can't burp in space.
  10. Your screams won't be heard in space... I bet you knew this one...LOL!